Bad Bitch Investor Bootcamp Zagreb $495


Exclusive full-day live training with Lisa Carmen Wang on building your bank account How to Become an Angel Investor in Billion-Dollar Female-Led Startups.

There’s a reason why the wealthiest individuals are all investors — they understand investing is the most powerful way to build wealth. The Bad Bitch Investor Bootcamp was made for women who want to take charge of their financial future, dismantle the patriarchy, AND create unapologetic wealth and impact.

WHAT: Exclusive full-day training with Lisa Carmen Wang on building your bank account and becoming an investor in female-led businesses

DATE: Thursday 3/21


LOCATION: Esplanade Zagreb Hotel
Ul. Antuna Mihanovića 1
10000 Zagreb, Croatia

PRICE: $495



10AM - 11AM: Building Unapologetic Wealth: How to take charge of your bank account and set your financial goals

11AM - 12PM: Your Path to Becoming a Millionaire: How to set your investment strategy, understand investment opportunities and classes, and budget and commit to your path to becoming a millionaire

12PM - 1PM: Luxury Lunch with Lisa

1 PM - 2PM: Becoming an Angel Investor in Female-Led Businesses - how to identify and invest in startups

2PM - 3PM: Investor Networking: How to build your investor network and brand 

3PM - 4PM: Choosing your niche: How to leverage your superpowers and expertise as a woman

4PM - 5PM: From Money to Leadership: How to create global impacts through your investments

What you'll learn: 

  • How to set yourself up for financial success as a new angel investor
  • How to identify and evaluate billion-dollar investment opportunities
  • How to ask smart questions and spot red flags in startup pitches
  • How to understand financial and legal terms for startup investments
  • How to access investor networks and discover new deals
  • How to predict trends and invest in high-growth female-led innovation
  • How to invest in venture capital funds and diversify your money

Bad Bitch Empire is a venture fund & membership community building unapologetic worth & wealth for women. 

What People Are Saying:

I'm thrilled to be a part of the Bad Bitch Empire. I'm proud to make an impact by learning and devoting both time and resources to the advancement of women in tech and entrepreneurial spaces, and excited to support BBE's critical efforts through direct action and investment.”

Kaylan Sliney, Founder & CEO, Magnetiq

This bootcamp opened my mind. I feel more of an expert in analyzing deals and market trends. I got to practice speaking about my investment objectives in conversation with people. I used to think “I’m not asking the right way,” but got really comfortable with speaking the language of an investor, I'm excited to start investing in female-led deals!

Sarah Weisfield, Director of Investor Relations, Raze

I took the bootcamp and am excited to be invested in the BBE Fund. I really relate to the values that have consistently been shared regarding empowering ourselves as investors and supporting female founders. Second, it's an opportunity to meet other amazing women to learn and invest together.

Nicole Montoya, Sales Director & Real Estate Investor

It was priceless for me. I got clear on my investment focus, budget, and how I go about analyzing investments. There’s so much opportunity and rapidly changing technology now, it's easy to be distracted by the new shiny investments. This bootcamp gave me a significant mindset shift b/c I now know how to be intentional with making my investments.

Nadine Cino, Founder & CEO, Tygabox